Gene Technology Center


研究発表を行った学会;The 16th Transgenic Technology Meeting
2020年10月26-29日 (イスラエル:オンライン)
タイトル; Development of remote teaching system for reproductive technology using online digital technology.
発表者;中尾 聡宏氏
(熊本大学 生命資源研究・支援センター 資源開発分野)
In consequence of COVID-19 pandemic, researchers and technicians were restricted to go to their laboratory and animal facility. The restriction hindered the animal experiments and breeding animals. In addition, the number of mice that could be kept in animal facility was limited. Therefore, there was a growing demand for technical support for cryopreservation of sperm and embryos in order to maintain mouse lines. Till now, we have continuously developed mouse reproductive technologies, and educate researchers and technicians in CARD Mouse Reproductive Technology Workshop to share the latest knowledge and techniques of mouse reproductive technologies in domestic and overseas institutes. At the last TT2019 meeting in Kobe, we also had the opportunity to provide a hands-on workshop about mouse reproductive technology. However, under the situation of COVID-19 pandemic, researchers and technicians cannot attend the workshops. Therefore, we are developing a remote teaching system which enables us to provide technical training using online digital technology. We hope we can contribute to promote the spread of reproductive technologies by incorporating online digital technology.

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