Gene Technology Center

Internal Usage Regulations

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Kumamoto University Institute of Resource Development and Analysis Gene Technology Center Internal Usage Regulations

April 1st, 2004
Internal Regulations Article 18
Sept. 30, 2004 Revision Internal Regulations Article 26

Article 1. This internal regulation establishes the necessary considerations concerning the use of the Kumamoto University Life Resource Research and Support Center Genetic Experiment Facility (hereinafter referred to as the “Experimental Facility”).

Conditions Regarding Use
Article 2. The Experimental Facility is to be used for research and educational purposes related to recombinant DNA experiments from level P1 to P3 and other genetic experiments.

User Qualifications
Article 3. The following persons are allowed to use the Experimental Facilities.
(1) Kumamoto University (hereinafter referred to as “the University”) staff
(2) Undergraduate, post-graduate, and research students of the University
(3) Other deemed appropriate by the directors of the Kumamoto University Institute of Resource Development and Analysis Gene Technology Center (hereinafter “Center Director(s)”)

Application Procedures
Article 4
1. Those looking to use the Experimental Facilities, according to the type of use listed below, must fill out the appropriate application forms (also listed below) with the name of the relevant instructor responsible for the user’s research or education and then turn in said forms to a Center Director.
In this case, when conducting recombinant DNA experiments, a copy of the authorization notice for the user’s research plan based on Kumamoto University Type-2 Genetically Modified Organism Usage Safety Management Regulations (Established April 1, 2004, hereinafter “Safety Management Regulations”) must be attached to the application.

(1) Using the Experimental Facilities requires the GTC Usage Application (Appendix 1)
(2) Using the Experimental Facilities P3 laboratory requires the GTC / P3 Laboratory Usage Application (Appendix 2)
(3) Using the Experimental Facilities Breeding Room requires the GTC / Breeding Room Usage Application (Appendix 3)
(4) Using the Experimental Facilities after-hours or during holidays requires the GTC After-Hours or Holiday Usage Application (Appendix 4)

2. If a person has had their application authorized under one of the cases listed in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as “user”) and intends to change any details described in application forms listed in items 1 to 3 of the same paragraph, as per each application form, the user must once again obtain authorization from a Center Director.

3. If a user wishes to continue to use the facility beyond the academic year in which authorization was attained, a GTC Continued Use Application and Report form (Appendix 6) must be completed and newly authorized by a Center Director.

4. Applications pertaining to items 1 to 3 in Paragraph 1 or to Paragraph 2 must be filed for each academic year.

5. If a user wishes to use the facility after hours or during holidays, after receiving authorization from a Center Director, the user must follow the GTC After-hours and Holiday Usage Procedures.

Usage Authorization
Article 5. If the applications from paragraphs 1 to 3 of the preceding article are deemed to be filled out correctly, a Center Director will issue authorization and will supply a “GTC Experimental Facilities Usage Authorization Notice” (Appendix 5).

Submitting Reports
Article 6. When terminating or discontinuing the use of the Experimental Facilities, the user shall submit a “GTC Usage Termination / Discontinuation Report” (Appendix 7).

Complying with Regulations etc.
Article 7. In addition to what is prescribed in these Internal Regulations, the user shall comply with the GTC Safety Management Regulations and Experimental Facilities and Usage Guidelines.

Usage Authorization Cancellation
Article 8. In the event that the user violates the preceding articles or causes serious obstacles to the operation of the Experimental Facilities, a Center Director may cancel usage authorization or may discontinue usage for a set period of time.

User Obligation to Cooperate
Article 9. The user shall cooperate in regards to: maintenance and management of the Experimental Facilities, and educational training such as lecture meetings and workshops including operations etc. for such.

Expense Obligations
Article 10.
1. A Center Director may request that the user pay a fee towards expenses related to the use of the laboratory facilities (hereinafter “usage fee”).
2. The amount or payment method of the usage fee shall be determined separately.

Article 11. In addition to what is prescribed in the Internal Regulations, other necessary considerations concerning the use of experimental facilities are to be determined separately by a Center Director.

Supplementary Provisions
These Internal Regulations are considered to have come into force as of April 1, 2004.

Supplementary Provisions (September 30, 2004, Internal Regulation No. 26)
These Internal Regulations are considered to have come into force as of October 1, 2004.”

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