Gene Technology Center


研究発表を行った学会;Biomedical Sciences in the Era of Big Data
タイトル; G-quadruplexes as a therapeutic target for ATR-X syndrome.
発表者;塩田 倫史氏
(熊本大学 発生医学研究所 ゲノム神経学分野)
Alpha-thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability (ATR-X) syndrome is caused by mutations in ATRX, which encodes a chromatin-remodeling protein. Genome-wide analyses in mouse and human cells indicate that ATRX tends to bind to G-rich sequences with a high potential to form G-quadruplexes. Here, we report that Atrx mutation induces aberrant upregulation of Xlr3b expression in the mouse brain, an outcome associated with neuronal pathogenesis displayed by ATR-X model mice. We show that ATRX normally binds to G-quadruplexes in CpG islands of the imprinted Xlr3b gene, regulating its expression by recruiting DNA methyltransferases. Xlr3b binds to dendritic mRNAs, and its overexpression inhibits dendritic transport of the mRNA encoding CaMKII-α, promoting synaptic dysfunction. Notably, treatment with 5-ALA, which is converted into G-quadruplex-binding metabolites, reduces RNA polymerase II recruitment and represses Xlr3b transcription in ATR-X model mice. 5-ALA treatment also rescues decreased synaptic plasticity and cognitive deficits seen in ATR-X model mice. Our findings suggest a potential therapeutic strategy to target G-quadruplexes and decrease cognitive impairment associated with ATR-X syndrome.


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