Gene Technology Center


2019年 3月15日(熊本)
タイトル; Research support services in ICALS 〜Sample Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy〜
発表者;田上 友貴氏
(熊本大学 国際先端生命科学研究推進センター ICALS)
ICALS have been founded by MEXT (grant name:Project for Promoting Public Utilization of Advanced Research Infrastructure) since 2017, and aimed to facilitate the idea of sharing research equipment located in 5 departments under Kumamoto University. To promote research equipment sharing, we have established online booking system which allows to search for and book equipment of your interest as you wish, and allocated ICALS members who are familiar with advanced research techniques and equipment maintenance, to state of the art equipment. Upon technical support by ICALS members, talented young researchers, e.g. tenure track faculties, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students, are able to use cutting-edge technology effectively to drive their own researches, and to accelerate collaborations with international and domestic researchers and companies.
ICALS conducts three types of research support. Transmission Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation Service is one of those. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been widely applied to characterize morphology, crystalline structure, and elemental information of membrane materials. By using electron beam instead of visible light, it is possible to observe a fine structure with resolution order 0.2nm-3μm which is not achievable with an optical microscope. Electron microscopy demands high quality sample preparation. ICALS staff support sample preparation for distinct applications. For more complicated projects, we can arrange a wide range of services from conventional to immuno-electron microscopy. Please contact us if you are interested in this support.


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